Thursday, 20 March 2014

Princess Haliza: II

Assalamualaikum and haiiiii ! <3

Guess what ? PLKN is over! We patutnya balik on the 19th but since jerebu is over 300 (which is really really bad i couldnt see a thing) so our latihan ended on the 14th and we gerak balik the day after, on Saturday! Honestly masa komandan annouce latihan habis serta merta and boleh balik esok tu, I wasn't happy at all. In fact I crieddddddddd T_T orang dah ready nak say goodbye on Wednesday but suddenly terus balik!

Tu lah manusia. Paksa datang, menangis taknak datang. Paksa balik, menangis taknak balik. Pelik betul -.-

Malam penutup pun buat malam tu jugak, without any preparations. Even so, it was the night of my life ! :)
Tema Black & Red masquerade but ciput ciput je yang pakai mask pun hieww penat suruh mommy beli -.-

Honestly from the bottom of my heart, PLKN is the best experience I've ever had. Tak tipu, Honestly rugi ah sape tak kena hehehe no offence k. You learn to live with kawan berbilang bangsa and agama, spent 69 days with them, through ups and downs. It opened my eyes, I gained a lot.

Kalau orang tanya like "Apa yang best sangat PLKN?" "Korang buat apa je sampai 3 bulan" , seriously taktau nak jawab apa. It's not that easy to be explained. Kadang ada ceramah bla3 (usually i doodle and kacau my friends masa ni), sometimes ada outdoor gak belajar baca kompas and bearing (masa ni aku makan and borak and tido). I suck I know, senyap je lah -.-

And yeayyyy misi untuk tak gelap berjaya! With sunblock habis tebal, berapa lapis ntah. Then masa kawad tangan lagi satu tutup muka. Aduhhh candle princess! =p but my hands dah macam zebra dah. haihhhhh. tangan pulak sunburn :(

Nak buat jejak kasih jap.
I'm reaaaaally lucky to be in Princess Haliza. Tempat dia selesa and tak jauh nak pergi from a place to a place macam kem lain. Jurulatih pun very kind and funny and sporting. Friends just complete me! Memang everything happens for a reason. Ada hikmah why we are placed in a certain situation.

Indeed Allah is the best planner :")
couldn't be more grateful!

Well to mereka mereka yang kena jugak PLKN, I wish uolsss the best of luck!
Appreciate every moment of it, you'll definitely miss it when it's gone. You'll love it, trust me!
(says the girl who once thought PLKN was the worst nightmare ever)

Alumni of PLKN Princess Haliza------>
Wirawati Delta 746. Kumpulan 1 Siri 11/2014.
forever at heart!:*

Much love,

*mind me for the late update. tau tau jelah, kemalasan tahap dewa ambe ni >.<

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